Financial Advisory Salary Survey, Iberia 2024

Read unique research on salaries and bonuses for M&A professionals in Iberia.

Spain, 2024 Financial Advisor礀਀ Salary Survey Powered by h琀琀ps://

Game change爠⠀ virtual data room Innovative technology for staying ahea搀਀ in 昀椀nancial advisory.

M&A Community Financial Advisory Salary Survey spain 2024 Contents Financial advisors faced di昀케cult market conditions in 2023, with M&A deals†⠀ in Spain falling by 7% year-on-year in 20231. What impact has this had†⠀ on salaries and bonuses
⁧ Our 2024 Salary Survey gives a unique insight into compensation packages for 昀椀nancial advisors in Spain. It's based on two datasets from prominent entities: Methodology 04 M&A Community and Talengo, both specialized in providing relevant†⠀ data to executives and investors worldwide⸀਀ Salary data 2023 07 This year, iDeals and M&A Community partnered up with Talengo for†⠀ expert advice. Talengo is an independent 昀椀rm of leadership experts with†⠀ Bonus data 2023 09 a comprehensive understanding of the talent cycle, including executive search, talent assessment, and talent transformation⸀਀ Key findings 11 The responses were gathered from a diverse sample of 144 corporate 昀椀nance employees in Advisory 昀椀rms via M&A Teaser, a newsle琀琀er from M&A Community, and from Talengo's extensive survey encompassing over 2000 professionals.ꀀ਀ This collaboration ensures the precision and thoroughness of our analysis, providing invaluable insights for 昀椀nancial advisors and corporate 昀椀nance professionals to make informed decisions for themselves and their teams. 1 h琀琀ps:// #:~:text=According%20to%20TTR's%20annual%20report,1%25%20in%20terms%20of%20amounts. Copyright © 2008—2024 iDeals. All rights reserved

M&A Community Financial Advisory Salary Survey spain 2024 Methodology Copyright © 2008—2024 iDeals. All rights reserved

M&A Community Financial Advisory Salary Survey spain 2024 Breakdown of respondents by seniority levels Analyst 1 Associate 1 VP 1, Director 1 19% 10% 13% 48% of respondent猠⠀ were analysts. Associate 2 9% Analyst 2 Analyst 3 17% 12% 65% VP 2, Director 2 of respondents were between 3% 26 and 35 years old. Associate 3 VP 3, Director 3, MD 9% 7% Methodology 5 Copyright © 2008—2024 iDeals. All rights reserved

M&A Community Financial Advisory Salary Survey spain 2024 Years in the company by seniority group 18% 24% 50% of respondents had†⠀ worked for their 昀椀rm fo爠⠀ 27% up to one year. 6% 15% 70% 51% of respondents have worked at their company for six†⠀ 52% years or less. 24% 38% Analyst Associate 9% 7% 3% VP, Director, MD 1% Less tha渀਀ 1 to ㈀਀ 6 to 1 ਀ 11 to 20 ਀ 3 to 㔀਀ 1 year years years years years Methodology 6 Copyright © 2008—2024 iDeals. All rights reserved

M&A Community Financial Advisory Salary Survey spain 2024 Salary data 2023 Copyright © 2008—2024 iDeals. All rights reserved

M&A Community Financial Advisory Salary Survey spain 2024 2023 average salary Tier 3 Tier 2 Tier 1 ranges in EUR Analyst 1 35 - 40K 55 - 65K 70 - 80K Analyst 2 45 - 50K 70 - 75K 80 - 90K Analyst 3 55 - 60K 80 - 85K 90 - 100K Associate 1 65 - 70K 100 - 105K 120 - 130K Associate 2 75 - 80K 110 - 115K 130 - 140K Associate 3 85 - 90K 120 - 130K 140 - 150K VP 1 95 - 100K 135 - 145K 175 - 185K VP 2 100 - 105K 150 - 155K 190 - 200K VP 3 105 - 110K 160 - 165K 205 - 215K Director 1 115 - 120K 175 - 185K 220 - 225K Director 2 125 - 135K 190 - 195K 230 - 235K Director 3 145 - 155K 200 - 210K 240 - 245K Managing Director 175 - 250K 230 - 300K 280 - 350K Copyright © 2008—2024 iDeals. All rights reserved Salary data 2023 8

M&A Community Financial Advisory Salary Survey spain 2024 Bonus data 2023 Copyright © 2008—2024 iDeals. All rights reserved

M&A Community Financial Advisory Salary Survey spain 2024 2023 average bonuses Tier 3 Tier 2 Tier 1 Analyst 1 40% 50% 60% Analyst 2 40% 60% 70% Analyst 3 45% 60% 80% Associate 1 50% 70% 100% Associate 2 60% 70% 100% Associate 3 60% 70% 100% VP 1 70% 70% 130% VP 2 80% 80% 130% VP 3 80% 80% 130% Director 1 90% 100% 100% Director 2 90% 100% 100% Director 3 90% 100% 100% Managing Director 100 - 150% 100 - 150% 100 - 150% *Percentage applied to annual salary Copyright © 2008—2024 iDeals. All rights reserved Bonus data 2023 10

M&A Community Financial Advisory Salary Survey spain 2024 Key findings Copyright © 2008—2024 iDeals. All rights reserved

M&A Community Financial Advisory Salary Survey spain 2024 Our latest Salary Survey sheds light on the current market landscape in Spain
⁖ Some 昀椀ndings unveil crucial insights into various aspects of the market dynamics, highlighting trends in salary stagnation, satisfaction levels, and the evolving pa琀琀erns of remote work
⁖ One surprising discovery was that 33% of respondents didn't get a pay rise†⠀ in 2023. For those who did, the average increase was 19%⸀਀ 49% of analysts, 69% of associates, and 76% of VPs expressed satisfaction†⠀ with their pay⸀਀ When it comes to remote work, most respondents (85%) spend at least four†⠀ days a week in the o昀케ce. Interestingly, only 9% of VPs work fully remotely. Key findings 12 Copyright © 2008—2024 iDeals. All rights reserved

M&A Community Financial Advisory Salary Survey spain 2024 Salaries increased for most financial advisors... 67% 5% of respondents received a salary of respondents saw a salary increase increase in 2023. above 50% in 2023. 19% Increases above 50 % is the average salary increase for were only given to employees earning respondents who received a raise. less than 120k, regardless of seniority level. Copyright © 2008—2024 iDeals. All rights reserved key findings 13

M&A Community Financial Advisory Salary Survey spain 2024 ...but one-third saw their pay stagnate 35% 54% of respondents that didn't receive†⠀ of the analysts reported no chang攠⠀ a salary increase have worked at their in salary in 2023. This is th攠⠀ company less than one year. highest percentage among†⠀ all positions surveyed. 33% 31% of respondents didn’t receive a salary of respondents who didn't receive†⠀ increase in 2023. a salary increase in 2023 have worked at the same company for more than three years. Copyright © 2008—2024 iDeals. All rights reserved key findings 14

M&A Community Financial Advisory Salary Survey spain 2024 Bonuses also showed strong growth 73% 37% of respondents received either a bonus of the respondents whose bonus increase or the same bonus as the decreased in 2023 were analysts. previous year, while 27% received†⠀ no bonus or a decrease in their bonus. 33% 23% of the respondents whose bonus of respondents who had a bonus decreased in 2023 were associates. increase in 2023 also received a salary increase in the same year. Copyright © 2008—2024 iDeals. All rights reserved key findings 15

M&A Community Financial Advisory Salary Survey spain 2024 Satisfaction with compensation increases with seniority 32% How satis昀椀ed are you with your current compensation? of analysts are satis昀椀ed with their current compensation. 23% 10% 35% 29% 3% Analyst 49% of associates ar攀਀ satis昀椀ed with their ਀ 10% 12% 29% 39% 10% Associate current compensation. 56% 6% 12% 26% 32% 24% VP of VPs are satis昀椀ed with their current compensation. Dissatis昀椀ed Somewhat satis昀椀ed Neutral Satis昀椀ed Highly satis昀椀ed key findings 16 Copyright © 2008—2024 iDeals. All rights reserved

M&A Community Financial Advisory Salary Survey spain 2024 Junior employees feel their compensation isn't competitive 24% How do you rate the competitiveness of your current compensation versus the market? of analysts see their salar礀਀ as competitive compared to the market. Analyst 26% 22% 28% 21% 3% 39% of associates see their salary as competitive compared to the market. Associate 15% 22% 24% 32% 7% 38% of VPs see their salary as VP 6% 26% 29% 29% 9% competitive compare搠⠀ to the market. Not competitive Slightly uncompetitive Neutral Competitive Highly competitive key findings 17 Copyright © 2008—2024 iDeals. All rights reserved

M&A Community Financial Advisory Salary Survey spain 2024 Professional development prospects are highly rated 63% How do you evaluate the professional development prospects o昀昀ered by your company? of analysts are satis昀椀ed with development opportunities in the company. Analyst 3% 13% 20% 43% 20% 54% of associates are satis昀椀ed with development opportunities in the company. Associate 7% 7% 32% 32% 22% 68% of VPs are satis昀椀ed with VP 3% 9% 21% 47% 21% development opportunities in the company. Dissatis昀椀ed Somewhat satis昀椀ed Neutral Satis昀椀ed Highly satis昀椀ed key findings 18 Copyright © 2008—2024 iDeals. All rights reserved

M&A Community Financial Advisory Salary Survey spain 2024 Analysts rate bene昀椀ts higher than VPs 50% How satis昀椀ed are you with the additional bene昀椀ts your company provides? of analysts are satis昀椀ed with the additional bene昀椀ts provided by the company. Analyst 12% 13% 26% 38% 12% 44% of associates are satis昀椀ed with the additional bene昀椀ts provided by the company. Associate 10% 12% 34% 34% 10% 41% of VPs are satis昀椀ed with the VP 3% 15% 41% 35% 6% additional bene昀椀ts provided by the company. Dissatis昀椀ed Somewhat satis昀椀ed Neutral Satis昀椀ed Highly satis昀椀ed key findings 19 Copyright © 2008—2024 iDeals. All rights reserved

M&A Community Financial Advisory Salary Survey spain 2024 The days of remote working are largely over 85% 27% of respondents work in the o昀케ce for of respondents who work on-site four four days or more. days a week did not receive a salary raise in 2023. 41% 9% of respondents work remotely at least of VPs work fully remote. one day per week. Copyright © 2008—2024 iDeals. All rights reserved key findings 20

Everything we need happens like lightning, with prompt validation of documents when this is urgently required! Saulo Moraes Concessionária Linha Universidade†⠀ & Financial Planning and Structuring Manager at Acciona Independently rated a猠⠀ the most e昀昀ortless VDR experience.†⠀ 4 years in a row.