M&A Community Financial Advisory Salary Survey spain 2024 Contents Financial advisors faced di昀케cult market conditions in 2023, with M&A deals†⠀ in Spain falling by 7% year-on-year in 20231. What impact has this had†⠀ on salaries and bonuses
⁧ Our 2024 Salary Survey gives a unique insight into compensation packages for 昀椀nancial advisors in Spain. It's based on two datasets from prominent entities: Methodology 04 M&A Community and Talengo, both specialized in providing relevant†⠀ data to executives and investors worldwide⸀਀ Salary data 2023 07 This year, iDeals and M&A Community partnered up with Talengo for†⠀ expert advice. Talengo is an independent 昀椀rm of leadership experts with†⠀ Bonus data 2023 09 a comprehensive understanding of the talent cycle, including executive search, talent assessment, and talent transformation⸀਀ Key findings 11 The responses were gathered from a diverse sample of 144 corporate 昀椀nance employees in Advisory 昀椀rms via M&A Teaser, a newsle琀琀er from M&A Community, and from Talengo's extensive survey encompassing over 2000 professionals.ꀀ਀ This collaboration ensures the precision and thoroughness of our analysis, providing invaluable insights for 昀椀nancial advisors and corporate 昀椀nance professionals to make informed decisions for themselves and their teams. 1 h琀琀ps://www.agmabogados.com/en/analysis-of-the-mergers-and-acquisitions-market-in-spain-for-2023/ #:~:text=According%20to%20TTR's%20annual%20report,1%25%20in%20terms%20of%20amounts. Copyright © 2008—2024 iDeals. All rights reserved

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